Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery Recognized By Sonoma Green Business Program

December 16, 2013 Redwood Hill Farm

Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery is proud to announce that it has achieved recognition as a Sonoma County Green Business environmental leader. The Sonoma Green Business Program, part of the Sonoma County Economic Development Board, is a partnership of government agencies and utilities that assists, recognizes and promotes local organizations, focusing on small to medium-sized consumer-oriented businesses that voluntarily operate in environmentally responsible ways. Certified participants must be in compliance with all environmental regulations and meet program standards for conserving resources, preventing pollution and minimizing waste while demonstrating goodwill in the community.

Shatto Milk Company Asks What Was Your Favorite Limited Edition Flavor?

December 16, 2013 Shatto Milk Company

This year, milk moustaches around Kansas City were made to be of different colors and flavors as the Shatto Milk Company celebrated its tenth anniversary by offering a total of seven special edition flavors throughout the year. Now they've decided to allow customers the opportunity to choose which of the limited edition flavors is made to be a regular flavor.

Alpina Foods Launches New Greek Yogurt Flavors

December 16, 2013 Alpina Foods

Alpina is expanding their two popular Greek yogurt lines with the addition of new flavor varieties. The new flavors enhance the company’s line of all-natural yogurts that are created using an authentic straining process, and are the combination of the simplest ingredients: milk, active bacteria cultures, and fruit.

Bakers Continue Pressing For Changes To The Corn-Based Ethanol Program

December 16, 2013 American Bakers Association

ABA President & CEO Robb MacKie on “The Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act of 2013”: “The corn-based ethanol program and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) continue taking their toll on the baking industry and consumers.  Corn-based ethanol has accelerated the decrease of wheat acreage in the U.S. over the past 30 years and tightened food supplies around the world.”

IDDBA Seeks Decorators To Compete In 19th Annual Cake Decorating Challenge

The International Dairy•Deli•Bakery Association’s™ (IDDBA) 19th annual Cake Decorating Challenge will be a featured event at the annual Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar and Expo, to be held June 1-3, 2014, in Denver, CO.  Three supermarket decorators will have the opportunity to create show-stopping displays that promote their artistic abilities and show off the talent and hard work that sells cakes for their companies.