Registration For The AMSA 67th Reciprocal Meat Conference Is Open

The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the AMSA 67th Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC), to be held June 15-18, 2014, at the University of Wisconsin and Kraft Foods Inc./Oscar Mayer in Madison, WI.  AMSA, the foremost association of meat science professionals, produces this conference. 

Did You Invite The MVP To Your Fall Tailgating Party?

December 18, 2013 The Beef Checkoff Program

Northeast shoppers have a passion for tailgating and thanks to a fall checkoff promotion; they also have a passion for beef! The beef checkoff, through its Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative (NEBPI), coordinated the 2013 Fall Tailgating retail beef promotion and reminded consumers to Invite the MVP (Most Valuable Protein) to their tailgating party and enjoy the value of protein-packed beef.

Christmas Lonely Bouquet Project Hops Across The Pond

December 18, 2013 Pedro Arrais, Times Colonist

A Victoria, BC florist has joined a worldwide movement to brighten the lives of strangers with random acts of flower philanthropy during the holiday season.

Sun Valley Group: Hi-Tech Flower Farming

December 18, 2013 Sun Valley Group's Flower Talk

You may think of flower growing as a quaint, contemplative stress free occupation.  Perhaps as you kneel in your garden planting your fall bulbs you experience this kind of sensation. The reality of a flower farm is very different.  It’s actually surprisingly stressful to bring a gorgeous greenhouse of lilies or tulips to harvest. There are pitfalls all over the place, however, at Sun Valley we have invested in the technology to make sure the risks that we face are minimized.

Terra Nova Nurseries Introduces New Sedum Variety

December 18, 2013 Terra Nova Nurseries

Terra Nova Nurseries announced today a new introduction now available to retailers, Sedum ‘Orbit Bronze’. This sedum is not only easy to grow and maintain, but ‘Orbit Bronze’ adds irresistible, cocoa-colored warmth to garden and landscape designs.