Winter Wonderlamb Comes To The Big Apple

November 5, 2013 Australian Lamb

This holiday season, New York will be walking in a “Winter Wonderlamb” with a series of in-store promotions, events and a chef competition featuring delicious—and nutritious—lamb from Down Under.

Alluring & Murdering Thrips With New AFE Research

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) is still up to murder, sex and greed, this time with a new research report. In the report, scientists from the Entomology Research Laboratory at the University of Vermont (UVM) describe how they allured and then murdered western flower thrips through an inexpensive non-chemical pesticide system that is easy to use.

Market Dynamics Cut Flowers – October 2013

November 5, 2013 International Trade Center

The September 2013 cut-flowers auction figures were published as follows. The September turnover has increased by 2.6% when compared to the same month of last year, realised with a supply increase of 4.5%, resulting in a total average price for all flowers of 21.8 Eurocents per stem (last year 22.2 cents).

AIPH & Union Fleurs Launch Flowers & Plants Statistical Yearbook 2013

The most detailed and up-to-date information available on the global production and trade in ornamental flowers and plants has now been published by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) in association with Union Fleurs. International Statistics – Flowers and Plants – 2013 is the result of extensive research and data compilation by Leibniz University of Hannover.

Hope Foods Launches Organic, Non-GMO Hummus Into Raley's Supermarkets In Northern CA

November 5, 2013 HOPE FOODS

HOPE FOODS announced it will partner with Raley’s Supermarkets to distribute its organic, gluten-free, vegan and non-GMO products in their Northern California stores.