Dutch Flower Traders Take FloraHolland To Court

July 30, 2013 Florint

A group of irate flower and plant traders from The Netherlands has now officially filed suit with FloraHolland in court. Their demand is that the prospective rise in the auction clock rates for 2014, which the flower auction set without the seemingly required agreement from its trader clients, is struck down.

NORCAL Congratulates Mellano & Company, Recipient Of The 2013 Distinguished Service Award

NORCAL would like to congratulate Mellano & Company, recipient of the 2013 Distinguished Service Award.  A big thank to Mellano & Company for all the support that they have given to the floral industry throughout the years.

Mayesh Wholesale Florist Announces Solar Energy Project At Its Largest Facility

Mayesh Wholesale Florist, Inc. has signed an agreement to build a solar energy project at its 42,000 square foot refrigerated facility in Riverside, California. The project will generate 210,280 KwH of power in the first year and will dramatically reduce energy consumption and electricity cost for the distributor of fresh cut flowers.

Cheese Shop Owner On Crusade To Block Ban On Mimolette

In the Washington suburb of Arlington, cheese shop owner Jill Erber is leading a desperate crusade to convince US authorities not to ban one of her products over the tiny mites that live on its rind.

Best Of The Cheese World To Descend Upon Madison With American Cheese Society Conference

The American Cheese Society’s annual conference comes to Madison this week to bestow its honors on more cheesemakers, as well as provide educational sessions and connect producers and buyers.