Effort To Build Awareness Of The REAL Seal In Social Media Launched During June Dairy Month

In celebration of June Dairy Month, efforts by the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) to revitalize the REAL® Seal are taking a big leap forward this month. A new campaign is being launched that allows consumers to learn more about the benefits of real, American-made dairy products and foods made with them, using a new Facebook page, blogger outreach, and digital advertising.

Green Mountain Creamery's Maple Greek Yogurt Named 'Most Innovative'

June 5, 2013 Commonwealth Dairy

Commonwealth Dairy’s Green Mountain Creamery brand of Maple Greek yogurt, has just won the Most Innovative Greek Yogurt category at the International Dairy Foods’ Milk and Cultured Innovative Product Contest.

Hinds-Bock Icer/Glazer Works With A Wide Variety Of Panned & Un-Panned Products

June 5, 2013 Hinds-Bock

Hinds-Bock Icer/Glazer applies string icing and waterfall curtain icing onto a wide variety of panned and un-panned products.  The icer uses a double-walled heated and agitated tank with high quality, variable frequency pump and filter assembly.

AACCI Characterizes A Whole Grain Food

June 5, 2013 AACC International

AACC International’s (AACCI) Board of Directors recently approved the Whole Grains Working Group’s characterization of whole grain products. The characterization asserts that a whole grain food product must contain 8 grams or more of whole grain per 30 grams of product.

Puratos Launches The Cake Freshness Lab

June 5, 2013 Puratos

Puratos launches the Cake Freshness Lab A laboratory is a place of science, rigor, precision, but also of innovation, discovery and high-level teamwork. Puratos, in launching the Cake Freshness Lab, seeks to convey all of those values while encouraging cake manufacturers to take a bigger bite out of growing cakes trends with Acti-Fresh.