Choosing Pork This Summer Adds Up To Season-Long Savings

June 10, 2013 National Pork Board

Recent U.S. Department of Agriculture data proves pork chops offer best value at the meat case.

Canada’s Meat Processing Industry Supports Government Of Canada Efforts

June 10, 2013 Canadian Meat Council

Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, Ed Fast, and Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Gerry Ritz, re-iterated Canada’s conviction that the recent modifications to the United States Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) regulations for beef and pork do not bring the U. S. into compliance with its World Trade Organization obligations.

Celebrate Canada’s Inaugural ‘Garden Day’

Public gardens in communities across the country will be in the spotlight during Canada’s inaugural Garden Day on June 14, 2013 – the Friday before Father’s Day.

Containerology 101: Tips for Gorgeous, Long-Lasting Pots

Tesselaar Plants asked gardeners across the country to share their best tricks.

On-Farm Sale Of Produce A Growing Trend

The Rodonovich family decided to grow their own food to eat healthy and make some money, and Twinhill Farm was born.