9-Day Fresh Strawberry: New Approach To Slowing Rot Doubles Berry Shelf Life

A research team from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Components and Health Laboratory in Beltsville, Md., and Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. (SETi) in Columbia, S.C., has demonstrated that low irradiance ultra-violet (UV) light directed at strawberries over long exposure periods at low temperature and very high humidity—typical home refrigerator conditions—delays spoilage.

Latin America, More, More, More Exports

Fruit exports from Latin America have been booming over the last 10 years. This looks set to grow in the future, with overall volumes from a cross section of countries, including Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Argentina, having increased (across all horticultural categories), and to all markets, from some 45.7 million tonnes to under 82 million tonnes. This represents almost a doubling the total volume of exports in just a 10 year period.

Frieda's Reveals New YouTube Video Showcasing Specialty Artichoke Varieties

June 5, 2013 Frieda’s Inc.

Frieda’s Inc., recently released the latest addition to its YouTube Specialty Produce 101 video collection, featuring specialty artichoke varieties: deep purple Fiore Viola, red Sangria, and Fiesole (fee-eh-so-lay) Baby Purple Artichokes.

American Pistachio Growers Vice-Chairman Testifies On Proposed US-EU Free Trade Agreement

Thomas Dille, Vice Chairman of American Pistachio Growers (APG), recently appeared before the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office Trade Policy Staff Committee to provide testimony on the priorities of the U.S. pistachio industry. The hearing begins the work of USTR to set goals and benchmarks for the Agreement as well as hear the concerns and objectives of U.S. businesses within the confines of the Agreement.

Florida Sweet Corn: Slow Start, Record Finish

After a slow start to the spring deal following early March freezes, May ended up being a record month for Florida sweet corn. Shipments for the month are up over 27% from average May volume during the previous two years.