Canada's Meat Processing Industry Supports New Safeguards For E. Coli In Beef

May 20, 2013 Canadian Meat Council

Canada’s meat processing industry supports the new safeguards for E. coli in beef that were announced earlier today by Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Gerry Ritz as one component of the “Safe Food For Canadians Action Plan.”

Delaware Fueled With Beef For First State's Marathon

The beef checkoff gave folks a running start at the 10th Annual Christiana Care Health System Delaware Marathon, May 11 – 12 at the Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park in Wilmington, Delaware. The checkoff’s Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative (NEBPI) sponsored Dane Rauschenberg to run the half marathon on May 12 and exhibited at the event to share messages about the nutritional benefits of beef to runners and supporters. Nearly perfect running conditions brought out more than 3,000 runners on race day and another 5,000 spectators to help cheer them on.

Customers Vote For Contenders Of The Glass Tulip

May 20, 2013 FloraHolland

Customers of FloraHolland can vote for their favourite product in three categories: houseplants, garden plants and cut flowers.

Ball Ornamentals Expands Distribution

May 20, 2013 Ball Ornamentals

Ball Ornamentals announces a distribution agreement with McHutchison to expand the sales of its unique line of nursery plants. Beginning in June 2013, Ball Ornamentals will extend access of its product catalog to McHutchison sales representatives who sell woody ornamentals. McHutchison will include Ball Ornamentals products in its assortment of liners for nursery growers and finished products for their garden center customers.

Pesticide Use On The Decline In California Cut Flower Production: The Untold Story

Pesticide use declined in cut flower production in California by almost 50% from 2001 to 2010. However, from 2008 to 2010, there was only a slight decline (50,105 pounds to 49,250 pounds, respectively). In 2009 there was actually a slight increase up to 51,000 pounds — this suggests a trend where things have leveled off.