StePac Developing A New Program, Focusing On Microbiology & Phytopathology

During the last couple of years StePac has been developing a new program, focusing on Microbiology and Phytopathology. The program, headed by Dr. Nadav Nitzan and integrated in the R&D unit, is aimed at: i) centralizing postharvest disease control information, ii) evaluating means for control of diseases caused by molds, yeasts and bacteria; and iii) identifying new, innovative solutions that together bring added value to StePac’s customers by complementing Xtend packaging and further reduce the risk of decay of produce packed within.

PEI Potato Growers Embrace Sustainable Nutrient Management

As the populations of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and the world continue to grow, the need for nutritious, safe food grows as well.  With a finite land base available for growing food, much of this increased need for food will have to come from improved yields, necessitating the need for the application of nutrients.  While Prince Edward Island is fortunate to be a fertile province with strong agricultural resources, farmers need to be both economically and environmentally sustainable in their actions, especially when it relates to nutrient application.

USHBC Proposed Assessment Increase Now Posted In The Federal Register

May 27, 2013 US Federal Register

This proposed rule invites comments on amending the Blueberry Promotion, Research and Information Order (Order) to increase the assessment rate from $12 to $18 per ton (an increase of $0.003 per pound). The Order is administered by the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) with oversight by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

New Research Shows Potatoes Provide One Of Best Nutritional Values Per Penny

A frequently expressed concern in the ongoing public health debate is the lack of affordability of fresh vegetables, especially those that are nutrient dense. A new study, “Vegetable Cost Metrics Show That Potatoes and Beans Provide Most Nutrients Per Penny,” published in the journal PLOS ONE, shows that potatoes are one of the best nutritional values in the produce aisle, providing one of the better nutritional values per penny than most other raw vegetables and delivering one of the most affordable source of potassium of the more frequently consumed vegetables, second only to beans.

Tasti-Lee & Publix Join Forces To Maximize Tomato Marketing Strategy

Customers often forget the seasonality of certain fruits and vegetables, so grocery stores strive to sustain inventiveness with its produce promotions. Publix tackled this challenge head on with the development of its At Season’s Peak program.