AMI Releases Latest Installment In Meat Mythcrusher Series

March 8, 2013 American Meat Institute

The American Meat Institute (AMI), in conjunction with the American Meat Science Association (AMSA), today launched the latest installment of their Meat MythCrusher video series, which seeks to set the record straight about  some of the most common meat myths.

Syngenta Offers Impatiens Downy Mildew Prevention Tech Tip

March 8, 2013 Syngenta

Discussions of Impatiens Downy Mildew are still burgeoning in the horticulture world. The disease is not new, having been in the US since at least 1897 when it was reported on wild species of impatiens. The disease has been more prevalent in the last ten years and was significant in some landscape plantings in the US in the last two years. However, prudent measures will allow this beautiful plant to continue to be a valuable part of our crop mix.

Proven Winners Unveils 2013 Consumer Shrub Campaign

Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Shrubs launched a national consumer advertising campaign unlike any the industry has ever seen. Bold graphics personify ten heavy-hitting shrub varieties to present the unique and innovative features that make them a smart choice for the home garden. Proven Winners shrubs worked with Fairly Painless Advertising, an agency whose work was recently featured during Super Bowl Sunday, to develop the campaign that features both print advertising and a new homepage at

Tesselaar Plants Offers Strawberries & Cream Gift Hydrangeas

March 8, 2013 Tesselaar Plants

Done with candy and food when it comes to gifts for Easter and Mother’s Day? Try the candy-colored blooms of Strawberries & Cream gift hydrangeas.

ACS Launches Certified Cheese Professional Authorized Educator Program

The American Cheese Society (ACS) has launched the ACS Certified Cheese Professional™ (CCP™) Authorized Educator Program. The program authorizes organizations or individuals offering education geared toward the ACS Certified Cheese Professional™ Exam. This allows qualified educators to use the licensed trademark ACS Certified Cheese Professional™ (ACS CCP™)in promoting and marketing their educational offerings.