Olomomo Nut Company Rolls Out New Display Cases & Packaging

March 5, 2013 Olomomo Nut Company

Olomomo Nut Co., a leading, Boulder, CO-based producer of all-natural, gluten-free, artisan-roasted nuts, announces the launch of eye-catching, fully recyclable, point-of-purchase display cases designed to appeal to consumers and retailers alike. Olomomo Nuts are now available in both convenient single-serving-size packets (1.5 oz.) and larger 4-oz. bags (four servings). The new product sizes are designed to work perfectly in natural grocery stores, coffee shops, convenience stores and other retail locations.

Ocean Mist Farms' Joe Pezzini Recognized By Farm To Family

March 5, 2013 Ocean Mist Farms

Karen Franck, Farm to Family Food Resource Manager, presented Joe Pezzini, COO Ocean Mist Farms, with a plaque recognizing the more than 1 million pounds of fresh produce Ocean Mist Farms growers donated to the California Association of Food Banks in 2012.

Produce For Kids Celebrates At Southern Exposure

March 5, 2013 Produce for Kids

Produce for Kids celebrated funds raised during the 2012 campaigns with retail and sponsor partners at a Southern Exposure reception on Friday, March 1. Produce for Kids campaigns have raised $4.2 million for children's charities over the past 10 years.

PTI To Offer Comments On Product Tracing Pilot Report

March 5, 2013 PMA

The Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI), designed to help the produce industry maximize the effectiveness of current trac back procedures, is currently developing a response to the Institute of Food Technologists’ (IFT) 10 recommendations released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the document entitled Pilot Projects for Improving Product Tracing along the Food Supply System Final Report.

DeltaTRAK To Showcase Its Newest Temperature Monitoring Solution At The Boston Seafood Show

March 1, 2013 DeltaTRAK, Inc.

The FDA Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance report is designed to provide processors with recommended control strategies for product hazards including product temperature excursions. DeltaTRAK is pleased to announce it will showcase its newest temperature monitoring solution that will allow users to comply with this guidance at the Boston Seafood Show in Boston, Massachusetts March 10th to 12th 2013.