NCDA&CS To Host Information Sessions For Farmers Interested In Selling To Lowes Foods, MDI

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will host two grower information sessions for farmers interested in selling their products to Lowes Foods and Merchants Distributors Inc. The sessions, which were first held last year, developed out of the need to meet growing demand for locally sourced foods in grocery stores.

Sunkist Kicks Off 2-Week Lil Snappers Promotion At Winn Dixie/Bi-Lo On Valentine's Day

February 15, 2013 Sunkist

To support the recent launch of its Lil Snappers™ line, Sunkist and Stemilt are running an in-store radio spot at Winn Dixie and Bi-Lo as part of a Valentine’s Day promotion that highlights Cara Cara navel oranges and Pink Lady apples. The radio spots will run for 2 weeks and focus on the new Lil Snappers premium, kid-size fruit that comes packaged in re-sealable three-pound bags.

Rabobank Study Explores Impact Of Consumer Demand For Local, Fresh Produce

February 15, 2013 Rabobank, N.A.

Consumer desire for a stronger connection to the farmers who grow their food is creating a demand shift in the U.S. produce industry. The move is highlighted in a report released today by Rabobank's Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory (FAR) group titled "Local Foods: Shifting the Balance of Opportunity for Regional U.S. Produce." The report finds the growing local food movement, in which consumers seek out and purchase foods grown in closer proximity to them, is causing smaller regional producers to take market share from established producers who don't qualify as locally sourced.

Bell Aquaculture Named 'Industry Of The Year'

February 14, 2013 Bell Aquaculture

Bell Aquaculture, the nation's largest yellow perch (Perca flavescens) farm and pioneer in sustainable fish farming operations, was awarded 'Industry of the Year' recognition by the Jay County Chamber of Commerce at its Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet held January 26. The announcement is made by Norman McCowan , president of Bell Aquaculture, who accepted the award on behalf of the Bell Aquaculture team from Jay County Development Corporation's Executive Director Bill Bradley.

ZIP International Group Recalls Dry Salted Fish Because Of Possible Health Risk

February 14, 2013 FDA

ZIP International Group LLC is recalling Dry Salted Fish (bream) because the product was found to be uneviscerated, and has the potential to be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium which can cause life-threatening illness or death. Consumers are warned not to use the product even if it does not look or smell spoiled.