Study Finds Menu Labels May Influence How Much Diners Eat

February 25, 2013 Andrew Seaman, Reuters

Showing diners how many calories are in restaurant food items through symbols such as traffic lights coloured green, red and yellow depending on calorie count may influence how much they eat, according to a U.S. study.

New Data Indicates Restaurant Industry Net Growth In CA, TX & NY

February 25, 2013 CHD Expert

Chicago-based foodservice database, marketing, and analytics firm, CHD Expert announces the overall US restaurant sector is beginning to recover and grow, while sharing data that focuses on the four largest states in the restaurant industry and how each states’ data compare and contrast.

NRA Announces 2013 Kitchen Innovations Awards Recipients

The National Restaurant Association today announced the recipients of the 2013 Kitchen Innovations™ (KI) Awards, which honors the most promising and cutting-edge advancements in kitchen equipment for the foodservice industry.

2012 A Bad Year For Wisconsin Apples

February 25, 2013 Marge Pitrof, WUVM

Apple production in Wisconsin fell 54 percent in 2012, leaving the yield at its lowest level since 1945.

POM Wonderful Hits Beverage Sales Records

February 25, 2013 POM Wonderful

POM Wonderful posted record annual sales in 2012, buoyed by the introduction of POM’s new 8oz bottle of 100% Pomegranate Juice, which has become the fastest-selling, single-serve premium refrigerated juice less than a year after launch.