US Pork Supplies At All Time High Amid Record Slaughter

November 27, 2012 Theopolis Waters, Reuters

U.S. pork production in October hit a record high as the hog slaughter surged to an all-time high of 10.86 million head, government data showed on Friday, as high feed costs drove producers to cull herds.

U.S. Lowers Forecasted Increase In 2013 Beef Prices To 3%-4%

November 27, 2012 Alan Bjerga, Bloomberg

U.S. consumers will pay less for beef next year than earlier forecast as the worst drought since 1956 works its way through the food chain, the Department of Agriculture said.

Edmonton Meat Processing Plant License Suspended By Canadian Regulator

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has suspended the licence of an Edmonton meat-processing plant over concerns for food safety.

Holland's Family Cheese Holiday Shipping Is Just Around The Corner

November 27, 2012 Holland's Family Cheese

The team at Holland's Family Cheese wants to ensure you receive your cheese in time for the holiday rush. Please make a note of the following order-by dates to expedite shipping in the coming weeks.

Fraga Farm's Oregon Export A Rare Treat For Bay Area

Foster Lake, a Camembert-style goat cheese, is Jan Nielson's newest creation and one of the only Fraga Farm cheeses that she ships out of state. I've tried it twice and am impressed with its professional appearance, creamy texture and delicate mushroom and custard aroma.