Hostess Said To Attract Bids From Wal-Mart, Kroger

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) and Kroger Co. (KR) are among the bidders for assets being sold by Hostess Brands Inc., the bankrupt maker of Wonder bread and Twinkies, said a person familiar with the matter.

CFIA: Undeclared Milk In Certain Pure Brand Cookies

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Pure Indulgent Foods Inc. are warning people with allergies to milk not to consume the Pure brand cookie products described below. The affected products contain milk which is not declared on the label.

Haliburton International Foods Taps Curwood’s Newest Liquiflex Packaging Technology

December 17, 2012 Bemis Company

Haliburton International Foods, Inc., a leading manufacturer of food products based in Ontario, California, is reporting significant gains in productivity and cost control using the new Curwood Liquiflex® AV-2.2-CB-HF Series Packaging Equipment. Featuring a highly efficient continuous box (CB) motion design, the new high-speed VFFS bulk foodservice pouch packaging machine is the latest model in Curwood’s market-leading Liquiflex® AV equipment series. Haliburton is the first U.S. food company to install and evaluate the new high-speed technology.

Cities Ban Foam Coffee Cups & Takeout Containers

December 17, 2012 Wendy Koch, USA TODAY

Your coffee shop's cup of Joe may be getting a makeover as more U.S. cities try to curb litter with bans or limits on foam cups and takeout food containers.

Intellectual Property Lawyer Naomi Straus On How Chefs Can Protect Their Work

December 17, 2012 Amy McKeever,

Last week, Eater's Gabe Ulla took an in-depth look at copying in cooking, talking to chefs from Wylie Dufresne in New York to Christian Puglisi of Copenhagen's Relae about the importance of attributing sources in the kitchen. Though most of the piece deals with what a lawyer might call "community norms" — how the chef community regulates itself through the court of public opinion to minimize culinary plagiarism — the chefs didn't seem to find much protection at all in the real court system. Dufresne himself questions "why recipes aren't protectable."