Whole Foods Market Recalls Cookies Due To Undeclared Nut Allergens

November 23, 2012 FDA

Whole Foods Market Recalls Cookies Due to Undeclared Nut Allergens Photos

Louisiana Seafood Restaurant Week Boosts Sales – Delivers Strong Results

New Orleans means great cuisine. Residents here “don’t eat to live – but live to eat.” Good food, especially premium seafood, is at the heart of the city’s identity.

Indian Harvest Donates Grain Blends To Ease Hunger On Jersey Shore

November 23, 2012 Indian Harvest

Among the 24 states impacted by Hurricane Sandy in October,
New York and New Jersey were hit especially hard, with families displaced due to destruction, flooding and power outages. Weeks following the disaster, many in the region are still in need.

Seafood Sustainability Movement Establishes Standards For Labeling

While sustainability is a growing worry for many U.S. seafood consumers, the topic is not as common at Southwest Florida dinner tables as price and origin, restaurant owners and sustainability experts say. That may change soon. A push is on to spread the sustainability message, which calls for seafood to be caught or raised in ways that protect both the species and the environment.

Oneida Ltd. Launches Foodservice Facebook Page

November 23, 2012 Oneida

Oneida Ltd proudly announces the launch of its Foodservice Facebook page. This new page is focused on the culinarian and will provide content on its foodservice lines of products including beautiful images, videos, a Virtual Tabletop App and industry trends.