Maine Shrimp Fishermen's Catch Limits Cut 74%

Maine's shrimp season was curtailed by nearly 75 percent on Monday after scientists warned that the shrimp population is at risk because of overfishing and environmental conditions.

Oceana Uncovers Widespread Seafood Fraud In New York City

December 11, 2012 Oceana

Oceana, the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans, found 39 percent of seafood to be mislabeled in the New York City-area, according to a new report released today. DNA testing of 142 seafood samples from 81 retail outlets, including grocery stores, restaurants and sushi venues, confirmed that 56 samples were mislabeled according to United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines.

Market Analyst Tells Cattlemen Retail Meat Prices Will Rise 5-8% In 2013 After Drought

Consumers can expect to pay 5 percent to 8 percent more at the meat counter next year regardless of whether they put beef, pork or chicken into their grocery carts, a market analyst said.

Federal Investigation Into Lamb Pricing Launched

December 11, 2012 Tom Lutey, Billings Gazette

The federal government will investigate rancher complaints of unfair lamb prices, which have collapsed for producers even as market prices have skyrocketed.

Kobe Beef Set To Be Exported To US For The First Time

A group of producers of Kobe beef said it will start exporting the delicacy to the United States, the first time the product has ever been exported to a destination outside Asia.