Fish Fraud Uncovered In Monterey County, CA

In an effort to gauge the scope of the problem, Oceana launched its DNA-testing campaign in select cities last year. The Monterey Peninsula wasn’t originally on Oceana’s target list. But in mid-April Shester, the California program director, and Blacow, the Pacific policy and communications coordinator, invited the Weekly to do some sampling. Oceana won’t publish the names of the markets and restaurants it samples because they may not be at fault. The mislabeling can happen anywhere from sea to plate.

North American Meat Association Supports Congressional Call For RFS Waiver

The North American Meat Association supports the 156 members of the House of Representatives who are today asking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to waive a federal mandate for the production of corn ethanol.  This would provide critical assistance to livestock and poultry producers currently weathering the worst drought since 1956.

Colorado-Based Mulay Brand Sausages: Richly-Seasoned & Nitrate-Free

These days, you can find great fresh, locally made sausages at almost any meat counter around town. So it would take a lot for a Colorado-based sausage maker to turn our heads and keep us coming back for more. And that's exactly what Mulay's Sausage did.

Beef Safety Confidence Remains Strong

Over the past ten years, consumer confidence in the safety of both steaks/roasts and ground beef has steadily increased.

AIFD Recaps 2012 Symposium "Caliente"

Everything in Miami is hot in July, but after the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) took over the city, it was “Caliente!” Over 700 floral design artists from around the world gathered for hot designs, hot events and hot inspiration from July 12-16, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Miami Hotel.AIFD Recaps 2012 Symposium "Caliente"