Iowa Corn, Pork Producers Warn Of Drought's Impact

Corn and livestock producers warned Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad on Tuesday that tough times are looming for farmers and the state's powerful agriculture industries as the drought gripping the state and nation gets worse.

National, International Beef Markets Follow Same Trend

Simply put, basic economics of decreased supply and increasing demand are causing an increase in beef prices. Droughts in Texas and Oklahoma last year and Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming and Colorado this year have led to smaller cattle herds and thus less beef coming to market, said Ron Rowan, marketing director for the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association

AMI Celebrates Hot Dog Day With Annual Lunch On Capitol Hill

July 20, 2012 American Meat Institute

Wednesaday more than 1,000 Capitol Hill lawmakers, staff, meat industry representatives and members of the media filled the Rayburn House Office Building Courtyard to celebrate July as National Hot Dog Month at the American Meat Institute (AMI) Annual Hot Dog Lunch on Capitol Hill.

Westerlay Orchids Achieves Top Sustainability Certificate From MPS

July 20, 2012 MPS

Westerlay Orchids announces that it has achieved an MPS-A certificate for environmental practices. The MPS-A certificate is the highest of three MPS ratings and awarded to those horticultural firms that maintains the highest sustainable standards. Westerlay is the first orchid grower in the United States to achieve the MPS-A qualification.

First Semi-Finalists Announced For The Floraholland 'Glazen Tulp 2013' Award

July 20, 2012 FloraHolland

The first semi-finalists for the FloraHolland Glazen Tulp 2013 Award have been announced. Every year, FloraHolland presents growers and breeders with a Glazen Tulp. The Glazen Tulp is the floriculture industry’s most prestigious award for the best market introduction of the year. Over two rounds of voting, buyers and sellers who are FloraHolland customers can vote in the categories of cut flowers, houseplants, garden plants, and concepts.