Ryeco LLC Acquires More Space, Experienced Talent

July 23, 2012 Ryeco LLC

Philadelphia wholesaler Ryeco LLC has acquired two additional units on the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market (PWPM), expanding its product line and ability to service customers. “On July 1st, we acquired two units previously owned by the Lipman Company and operating under Colace,” says John DiFeliciantonio, partner with Ryeco.“

Wholesum Harvest Organic Produce Earns Fair Trade Certification

July 23, 2012 Wholesum Family Farms

Organic grower Wholesum Harvest announced that Fair Trade USA, the country’s leading third-party Fair Trade certifier, has awarded Wholesum’s produce line Fair Trade Certification™ in recognition of the company’s commitment to free trade, fair labor practices, equitable compensation and environmental sustainability.

Alaska Salmon Fishery Re-Enters Assessment For Third Certification

The Marine Stewardship Council announced that the Alaska salmon fishery has formally re-entered assessment. The MSC received notice of a signed contract between the Purse Seine Vessel Owners Association (PSVOA) and Intertek Moody Marine (IMM), the certification body that will conduct an independent, third-party assessment of the entire Alaska salmon fishery against the MSC standard.  The Alaska salmon fishery is seeking its third, five-year MSC certification and, if successful, Alaska salmon products from the client group coordinated through PSVOA would be eligible to continue to use the MSC ecolabel.

Fortune Fish Company Reels In Specialty Distributor

Fortune Fish Co. says it has signed a deal to acquire specialty foods and artisan meat purveyor JDY Gourmet Inc. With annual sales of $100 million, Bensenville-based Fortune Fish is the largest premium fish supplier in the Midwest to fine-dining restaurants ranging from Joe's Stone Crab to RL.

New Research Reveals Increasing Consumer Support For The MSC Ecolabel

An independent survey commissioned by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) shows that 30 per cent of consumers who buy fish at least once every two months [1], are aware of the MSC ecolabel for sustainable and well managed fisheries – up from 23 per cent in 2010.