New FloraHolland Quality Policy In Preparation

July 25, 2012 FloraHolland

The growing use of virtual transactions makes the reliabilty of the supply information more and more critical. Simultaneously, growers claim more responsibility for their products, and like to distinguish their products while auctioning. The interests of both parties will be combined in the new quality policy.

Frieda's Black Garlic Selected As A Silver Finalist For sofi Awards

July 25, 2012 Frieda’s Inc

Amidst hundreds of national food products, Black Garlic — distributed by Frieda’s Inc., was selected as a silver finalist in this year’s sofi Awards.

Naturipe Farms Announces "Win Free Berries! Very Berry Summer Trivia Contest"

July 25, 2012 Naturipe Farms

Today, Naturipe® Farms officially launched its first Very Berry Summer Trivia contest on their Facebook page with the intent of spreading awareness about the health benefits of fresh berries. Trivia questions will be based off of nutritional and historical fun facts about strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries found on Naturipe’s website:

New Packaging Highlights Monviso Garlic Harvest & Gilroy Garlic Festival

July 25, 2012 Christopher Ranch LLC

Christopher Ranch is celebrating its new crop harvest of Monviso California Heirloom Garlic—and the Gilroy Garlic Festival—with a beautiful new display box. Photos of the Festival’s famous Gourmet Alley dishes are on the box along with a QR code that leads directly to the recipes! Tear off recipe pads are included in the boxes for shoppers as well.

Ocean Mist Farms Congratulates Rouses Markets In Louisiana For Artichoke Display Work

July 25, 2012 Ocean Mist Farms

During a visit to Ocean Mist Farms headquarters in Castroville, Calif., yesterday, Dale Huss, vice president of artichoke production, thanked Joe Watson, director of produce and David Williams, store produce manager, from Rouses Markets in Louisiana, for their work building the world’s largest artichoke display earlier this year in New Orleans.