Giumarra Will Offer Summer Apricots From Washington

June 27, 2012 The Giumarra Companies

Giumarra Wenatchee is planning its marketing efforts to prepare for the upcoming Washington apricot season. “Good early spring weather has produced some exceptional quality apricots for this summer’s harvest,” says Jason Bushong, sales manager for Giumarra Wenatchee. “Fruit size is optimal for our retail and club store programs this season.”

Fresh Produce Companies Back Follow Friday The Film

June 27, 2012 DMA Solutions

DMA Solutions, Inc., a marketing services company, along with several members of the fresh produce industry, has backed a documentary film seeking to present the relationships formed via social media as legitimate and powerful in the daily lives of consumers. DMA President and social media enthusiast, Dan’l Mackey Almy, heard about the film and was immediately interested in Faulk’s project. As someone that is always exploring new ways for fresh produce companies to connect with both consumers and retailers in the social media space, Almy knew Faulk was on to something and offered support for the project.

Supreme Court Decision On Arizona Labor Law May Impact Produce Industry Workforce

The Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona’s immigration law (SB 1070) will likely lead to even greater labor force instability for produce industry employers in Arizona and other states that have similar immigration laws. This labor force instability could impact farm employers across the country because of the migratory nature of labor in the produce industry.

Frieda’s Celebrates 50th Anniversary At Company Picnic

June 27, 2012 Frieda’s Inc.

Frieda’s, Inc. joined together on Saturday, June 23, for an afternoon picnic in Long Beach, Calif., to celebrate a successful 50 years in business.

Tomato Growers Request Termination Of Mexican Antidumping Duty Investigation & Existing Suspension Agreement

June 27, 2012 Florida Tomato Exchange

The following statement was released today by the Florida Tomato Exchange announcing that documents had been filed with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission indicating the interest of the petitioners to withdraw the antidumping duty petition that had been filed in 1996 thereby terminating the suspended investigations and the current suspension agreement.