North American Produce Transportation Working Group Releases Best Practices

The North American Produce Transportation Working Group (NAPTWG), representing produce transportation stakeholders from associations and industry groups across North America, announced the availability of the new North American Produce Transportation Guidelines. The document integrates multiple existing transportation guidelines into one best practices document which can be used throughout North America to ensure the ongoing vitality of the carrier sector.

Huge Hydroponic Greenhouse Envisioned In Windham, ME

Standing next to a wooden stake in this rocky soil, John der Kinderen describes his vision for Sebago Farms. By 2013, Sebago Farms should be selling hydroponic vegetables and coldwater fish throughout the Northeast

Del Monte Becomes The “Official Fresh Fruit Of The Miami HEAT”

Del Monte Fresh Produce and the Miami HEAT announced today that they have entered into a sponsorship agreement and Del Monte® will be the “Official Fresh Fruit of the Miami HEAT” for the next three years.

Earthbound Farm Inaugurates Fruit Division

January 18, 2012 Earthbound Farm

Earthbound Farm, one of the countrys leading organic food brands, and provider of certified organic fruit since 1999, is expanding its fresh fruit program and formally launching its new Earthbound Farm Fruit Division. The program will allow for increased volume and consistency of quality throughout the year, while maintaining organic integrity and food safety standards from farm to retailer.

Tom Lange Renames Bonita Springs Sales Office To 'Seven Seas'

Tom Lange Company International, Inc. is proud to announce the renaming of its Bonita Springs sales office from Global Fresh Import and Export, Inc. to Seven Seas.