Price Set For 2011 Oregon Crab Season Opening Thursday

Oregon Dungeness crab fishermen and seafood processor representatives participating in state-supervised crab price negotiations have agreed on an opening price for the 2011/2012 Dungeness crab season along the Oregon coast. That agreement has been reviewed and approved by Oregon Department of Agriculture Director Katy Coba.

Chesapeake Bay Oyster Ban Fails To Gain Traction

The Chesapeake Bay's oyster population is so low that several scientists recommended a complete halt on oyster harvesting in a study published in August by the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. But a moratorium has not gained traction among watermen and state officials, who see the industry as an important tradition and a small but significant part of the state's economy.

GSMFC & Trace Register Begin Initial Phase Of Oyster Traceability Pilot Program

The Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Oil Disaster Recovery Program’s Ad-hoc Committee has approved an exploratory phase of a project to begin designing a voluntary pilot solution, working with a global seafood traceability company called Trace Register.

M&Q Packaging, Agrow Fresh Make Taste & Convenience Priority For Steaming & Seasoning Fresh Vegetables

December 14, 2011 M&Q Packaging Corporation

M&Q Packaging Corporation working closely with customer Agrow Fresh Produce Company of Chicago, IL has provided its MQ36 dual-ovenable steam bag as a key component in Agrow Freshs Simply Season & Steam fresh petite red potatoes. Consumers like the idea of steaming vegetables because they see it as healthy. Having a steam bag included in each bag of small-sized fresh potatoes brings convenience and tastethe potatoes can be seasoned as desiredto the kitchen.

2.5 Million Lb. Donation Of Fresh Produce To Benefit Houston Food Bank

The Houston Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association (HFFVA) will hold its 25th Annual Gift of Produce Holiday Event benefiting Houston Food Bank on Friday, December 16, 10AM at Houston Food Bank, 535 Portwall Drive, Houston, TX 77029. This annual event garners contributions from produce growers, distributors, shippers and retailers from across the United States, as well as Mexico and South America to make one of the world’s largest donation of fresh produce for hunger relief in a single event.