FloraHolland General Members' Meeting Approves New Advisory Structure

December 14, 2011 FloraHolland

A number of motions were passed during the well-attended FloraHolland general members' meeting in Naaldwijk. The members approved the new advisory structure for the purposes of increasing member involvement and FloraHolland taking over the financing of Flower Council Holland [Bloemenbureau Holland; BBH]. The annual plan and the budget for 2012 were also approved by the members. There was wholehearted approval of the statutory name change from FloraHolland to ‘Koninklijke Coöperatieve Bloemenveiling FloraHolland U.A.’ as a result of FloraHolland being awarded the Royal designation.

Online National Floral Retailers & Order Gatherers' Fall Short With Holiday Discounts

December 14, 2011 EZBloomers.com

So-called ‘deals’ abound this holiday season with national floral retailers reaping the benefits of hidden fees and high commission rates by the growing trend to order flowers online.

Rabobank Report: U.S. Chicken Industry Facing Permanent Challenges

December 14, 2011 Rabobank

A new report from Rabobank's global Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory (FAR) department examines the challenges faced by the U.S. chicken industry and the implications for necessary change in the industry going forward.

Members Of UFCW Local 431 Ratify New Contract With Tyson Fresh Meats In Waterloo, Iowa

Members of UFCW Local 431 who work at the Tyson Fresh Meats plant in Waterloo, Iowa, today announced that they ratified a new contract last week which covers 2,200 workers at that plant. The new five-year contract includes restructured pay grades and initial first-year wage increases ranging from $.45 per hour to $2.45 per hour; improved funeral leave of up to 12 hours; a 60 day extension on birthday holidays; improved holiday pay that matches shift hours; and improved night shift differential time.

Smithfield Foods Brings Awareness To Food Insecurity Through Live Twitter Event

December 14, 2011 Smithfield Foods

On December 16, 2011 Dennis Treacy, Executive Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer and Kathleen Kirkham, Sustainability Coordinator, will host a live Twitter dialogue to bring awareness to issues concerning hunger in America. Treacy, Kirkham and area food banks will join forces to use this one hour discussion to engage in an open forum with their Twitter communities. The discussion will be an opportunity for us to talk about the current state of hunger in America, personal stories about hunger, how both companies and individuals can be involved in solving the problem and the changing landscape of food production.