Appleton Farms Now Selling Milk To The Public

December 14, 2011 Bethany Bray, The Salem News

The Jersey cow, known for producing milk with higher protein, calcium and fat content than other breeds, was introduced to America by the Appleton family. Now the public can purchase milk from Appleton Farms’ herd of Jerseys at the historic, 1,000 acre farm off Route 1A on the Hamilton/Ipswich line.

Cheese Of The Week Is The Swedish Cheese Prast

You will always know a Scandinavian cheese by the ending "öst" in the name, which simply means "cheese" in Swedish. Swedenöst is a cheese company that makes a variety of Swedish cheeses, including Präst or Prästöst.

Vulcan Reinvents The Fryer With Launch Of PowerFry VK Series Gas Fryer

December 14, 2011 Vulcan

Vulcan, the leading provider of commercial cooking equipment, sets a new industry standard for fryers with the launch of its PowerFry™ VK Series Fryers. The PowerFry redefines the fryer by using Vulcan’s revolutionary FivePass™ heat transfer technology. This maximizes uniform heat transfer to the oil, resulting in faster recovery and cook times.

Fromager d'affinois With Black Truffles From Perigord

December 14, 2011 Interval Export

New Fromager d’Affinois with TRUFFLES: This is what you have been waiting for. The creamyness of the fromager d’affinois mixed with the delicate flavor of black truffles from Perigord FRANCE. This is the perfect combination for success. Enjoy this great new cheese from Fromager d’Affinois for Easter.

New Verbena From Blooms Of Bressingham

If you’re interested in attracting hordes of butterflies to your garden, as well as repelling really big pests like vampires or witches*, “vervain” is the plant for you! We highly recommend a new variety from Blooms of Bressingham®, introduced to the US from England in 2011, Verbena ‘Seabrook’s Lavender’. This handsome hybrid is smothered with clusters of lavender flowers with a darker lavender eye. It’s extremely floriferous and long flowering, from June until late September.