Demand For American Lamb Increasing

December 15, 2011 Jerry Lackey, Standard-Times

Traditionally, folks have celebrated the holidays over a honey-glazed ham or baked turkey, but in more recent times, the American Lamb Board has touted a leg-of-lamb or shoulder roast for those special times, said Margaret Magruder, a member of the Denver-based American Lamb Board.

New Research Demonstrates Lean Beef Is Good For Heart Health

A new study published in the January 2012 edition of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that beef can play a role in a cholesterol-lowering diet, despite commonly held beliefs. The study found that diets including lean beef every day are as effective in lowering total and LDL "bad" cholesterol as the "gold standard" of heart-healthy diets (DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).

GOAL 2011 Addresses Challenges To Aquaculture Growth

December 15, 2011 Global Aquaculture Alliance

The recent GOAL 2011 conference in Santiago, Chile, confirmed the pressing need for aquaculture to increase seafood production and identified key challenges such expansion will face. Now available free online at, see the insights of the expert speakers who addressed the approaching growth. This web page includes links to copies of individual GOAL presentations and video footage that expresses key points.

Safety Concerns Linger Around Genetically Modified Salmon

December 15, 2011 Joe Palca, NPR

This just in: After 15 years of deliberation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has yet to decide whether it will approve a genetically modified salmon for human consumption. The long-running regulatory saga of AquaBounty's application to sell salmon with a growth hormone gene from one fish plus a promoter of an antifreeze gene from another — which help it grow twice as fast as typical farmed salmon — does not seem headed toward a conclusion.

World's Largest Sustainable Fishery Is Certified To The Highest Standard

Alaska pollock, the world’s largest sustainable fishery, has received certification for Responsible Fisheries Management indicating that it fully conforms to the international guidelines set by the United Nation’s Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO). Alaska’s pollock fishery has always been a source of innovation within the seafood industry and this latest certification demonstrates its ongoing effort to act as a steward for America’s greatest aquatic bounty. Such independent affirmation of responsible management further solidifies the state of Alaska’s worldwide leadership role in the sustainable harvest of wild seafood.