World Floral Expo, Back In The Big Apple, An Exciting March 2012 Trade Event

December 16, 2011 HPP Exhibitions Holland

World Floral Expo is back in the the Big Apple, the city where the trade show started off back in 1999. Yes, under a different name and indeed under very different circumstances, since the reason for moving to Miami were the tragic 911 events that forced the successful flower show to continue else where. World Floral Expo is a pure cut flower trade event with the typical triangle chain concept as the leading philosophy behind it: breeder<=>grower<=> buyer.

Experts Praise Walmart, Other Stores' Move To Sell Higher-Grade Meat

December 16, 2011 Eric Brown, The Fence Post

Walmart's recent shift to sell higher-quality beef comes as music to the ears of those involved in the beef industry.  “Walmart's decision to offer USDA choice beef is a fantastic move from our point of view, because it helps renew consumers' interest in beef,” said Pat Huebner, vice president of research and development at JBS USA. “When any retailer increases demand for beef, it's great for the industry — and that means positive growth for us.”

For Some Holiday Dinners, Beef Is Where It's At

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association in Centennial, Colo., says sales of beef soar around Christmas. In 2010 the end of December represented the third highest week of retail beef sales for the year, according to Beef Association spokeswoman Karli Millspaugh. The only weeks with higher sales were holiday weeks when Americans like to slap beef steaks on the grill: Fourth of July and Memorial Day.

Hannaford Recalls Ground Beef Due To Possible Salmonella Contamination

December 16, 2011 USDA FSIS

Hannaford, a Scarborough, Maine-based grocery chain, is recalling an undetermined amount of fresh ground beef products that may be contaminated with a strain of Salmonella Typhimurium, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today.

Longer Bluefin Tuna Season Raises Hopes For N.C. Fishermen

The National Marine Fisheries has filed a final rule that extends the bluefin tuna season and gives commercial fishermen more opportunity to harvest the highly valuable fish this winter.