Cupcake Killer: How Cake Pops Became The Next Big Trend

December 16, 2011 Lisa Flam, CNBC

By day, Angie Dudley is a mild-mannered graphic designer who lives near Atlanta. In her off hours, she’s Bakerella, cake-pop maker, blogger, and culinary star to home bakers around the world. As Bakerella, Dudley started a mini-revolution in baking after one of her cake-on-a-stick creations went viral and she was invited on Martha Stewart’s TV show in April 2008.

Athena's Silverland Desserts Announces Debut Of Its All Natural Raw Bar Line At Winter Fancy Food Show

December 16, 2011 Athena’s Silverland Desserts

Athena’s Silverland Desserts, a leading natural gourmet food manufacturer and the first existing commercial baker of brownies, announces the launch of a line of all natural, raw bars in 9 varieties:

Emmi Roth USA Wins Five Medals At 2011 World Cheese Awards

December 16, 2011 Emmi Roth USA, Inc.

Emmi cheeses captured five medals at the 2011 World Cheese Awards, including three gold medals for its KALTBACH range of cave-aged cheeses.

England's World Champion Blue Comes To America

December 16, 2011 Coombe Castle USA

Coombe Castle Inc., a premiere British dairy export company, announced they will now be exporting England’s treasured Cornish Blue to the United States. Cornish Blue was crowned World Champion Cheese at the 2010 World Cheese Awards, one of the largest and most respected cheese competitions around the globe.

Bucheron, Aged Goat Cheese From The Loire Valley

Bucheron is an aged goat cheese from the Loire Valley in Central France. This region is famous for its lightly aged, tangy, citrusy goat cheeses.