Hy-Vee CEO Ric Jurgens Announces Plans To Retire

December 16, 2011 Hy-Vee, Inc.

Hy-Vee Chairman and CEO Ric Jurgens announced to stockholders at Hy-Vee's annual meeting today that he plans to retire from the company effective June 1.

Everyday Low Pricing May Not Be The Best Strategy For Supermarkets

A new paper from the Stanford Graduate School of Business looks at the strategic pricing decisions made by grocery firms during that period in response to the shock to their local market positions by the entry of Walmart. The paper answers the age-old question in the supermarket industry: Is "everyday low pricing" (EDLP) better than promotional (PROMO) pricing that attempts to attract consumers through periodic sales on specific items?

Supermarkets Are Winning Fans & Boosting Traffic With Affordable, High-Quality Restaurants

December 16, 2011 Ike DeLorenzo, Boston Globe

Welcome to the age of the mash-up. Your phone has swallowed the digital camera and GPS. Your home is an office. Airplanes are Internet providers. And now, you can dine at the supermarket. It’s a competitive world of blurring lines, where the most useful combo wins.

Bashas' Partners With Incentive Targeting For Advanced Loyalty Card Promotions

December 16, 2011 Bashas’ Family of Stores

Bashas’ Family of Stores, operator of more than 120 grocery stores throughout Arizona, has developed a new relationship with Incentive Targeting, Inc. to execute more advanced loyalty card promotions for Bashas’ Thank You (loyalty) card. The grocer will work with Incentive Targeting to create, implement and measure its loyalty card promotions.

Many Say Buche De Noel Is Ultimate Holiday Dessert

With Christmas just 10 days away, Bay Area bakeries and restaurants are overflowing with marzipan, mousse and all things sweet and decadent. And if annual phone orders are any indication, the classic buche de Noel remains the créme de la créme of holiday desserts.