New Research Review Reinforces Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs

December 19, 2011 American Egg Board

With the New Year just around the corner, people across the country will again be making resolutions to live healthier. Unfortunately, more often than not, the determination to shape up and eat right lasts about as long as it takes the ball in Times Square to drop. Year after year, living healthfully is viewed as being arduous or costly – however, the truth is there are plenty of easy, delicious and affordable ways to stick to those resolutions.

CFIA: Certain Dairy Products Produced By Est. 1874 May Contain Listeria

The public warning issued on December 13 2011 has been expanded to include additional products. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and 3903052 Canada Inc. are warning the public not to consume the cheese and dairy products described below because the products may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.

Rethink 'Swiss Cheese' Image With Montagne Du Jura

If the phrase "Swiss cheese" still conjures the sort of holey slice that you put in a mousetrap, please treat yourself to a generous wedge of Montagne du Jura. This lovely raw-milk cheese from the canton of Bern, in northwest Switzerland, is definitely Swiss cheese. But I would not sacrifice even a nibble to any purpose other than my own or my guests' pleasure.

Tomlinson Industries' Pizza Merchandiser Offers Uniform Temperature Control

December 19, 2011 Tomlinson Industries

The new and improved Fusion Pizza & Snack Merchandiser from Tomlinson Industries' now has a revised thermostat that provides more uniform temperature control throughout the cabinet keeping product fresher longer. This unit's attractive design helps generate impulse sales.

Resurrecting The Cheese Ball For An Artisan Generation

December 19, 2011 Hanna Raskin, Seattle Weekly

Although the region's artisan cheese makers aren't rushing to advertise it, a growing number of holiday party hosts have discovered the refined Pacific Northwest cheeses that anchor fancy cheese plates work just as well in cheese balls.