New Nutrition Labeling Rules For Meat A Missed Opportunity, Says CSPI

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today released final rules for the labeling of meat and poultry–rules that have been stalled at the agency for 10 years. Unfortunately, the rules provide no new consumer benefit, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Beef Nutrition Labeling Resources Available

January 3, 2011 The Beef Checkoff

New “Nutrition Database for Meat and Poultry Products” and supporting beef checkoff-funded tools are your solution for implementing the final nutrition labeling rule.

Beef Checkoff Hopes To Help With New Year’s Resolutions

January 3, 2011 The Beef Checkoff

The beef checkoff is helping consumers plan how to keep their New Years resolution, knowing that nutrition is going to be top of mind as they try to be healthy and lose weight. Consumers often crave beef, but they need information to make informed beef purchases they can feel good about.

Price Of Healthy Bison Meat Soars

Bison are a hot commodity these days. Consumer demand for healthy meat has sent prices soaring. Bison fans say the lean meat has a rich, beefy flavor but its a little sweeter.

Wilmington, DE ShopRite Issues Meat Recall

On Friday, the ShopRite of Christina Crossing near downtown Wilmington recalled ground meat produced and sold on Dec. 29.