Vineland, NJ Poultry Plant Halts Production

The Vineland Kosher Poultry plant on South Mill Road shut down production Dec. 30, according to a union official representing about 160 workers there.

The Beef Checkoff’s Down-Home Beef Tests

January 6, 2011 The Beef Checkoff

The checkoff recently tested five new beef products in homes representing more than 65 families. Results from in-home tests are extremely valuable for new product developers because they produce more realistic outcomes on product satisfaction and usage than research conducted in an artificial test environment.

Annual Meat Conference Workshops To Focus On Nutrition, Food Safety & More

The Annual Meat Conference, to be held February 20-22, 2011, at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas, Texas, will feature seven concurrent workshops on some of the most pertinent issues facing the meat industry today.

Beef’s Future: Consumer Issues And Demand

Consumers and producers always have been entwined. The simple fact is that without consumers, there is no need for production. In the past, the consumer base was the producer and perhaps a few neighbors, but as transportation and worldwide access expanded, the consumer base also has expanded.

Join WF&FSA For The 2011 Internet Marketing / Social Media Best Practices Webinar Series!

Individuals and companies are looking towards social networks, blog, peer reviews, etc to better identify the answer to their problems. These platforms possess a fundamental shift in how we engage and influence one another – how we make buying decisions – not just of products and services, but perspectives, how we collect and disseminate information, and what we choose to pay attention to or act upon. Many times this research phase of the buying process precedes the outreach to the company or even the website.