Strubs RTE Danish Style Smoked Grav-Lox Salmon May Contain Salmonella

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Foodfest International 2000 Inc. are warning the public not to consume Strubs ready-to-eat Danish Style Smoked Grav-Lox Atlantic Salmon described below because the product may be contaminated with Salmonella.

Testing Underway On Retail Products Produced At Missouri Meat Processing Plant

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has begun testing on retail meat products processed and packaged by Reis Meat Processing, in Jackson, Missouri.

Livestock, Poultry Industries Support Legislation To Tie Ethanol Mandate To Corn Supplies

Representatives from the livestock and poultry industries joined forces today, Oct. 5, 2011, to commend U.S. Representatives Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Jim Costa (D-Calif.) for introducing the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) Flexibility Act. The legislation calls for a twice annual review of the corn stocks-to-use ratio. If the ratio falls below a threshold of 10 percent, the RFS could be reduced. The groups said the legislation will provide relief in times of tight corn supplies while also ensuring there is enough corn to meet the demand from all end-users.

Modern Beef Production Is 'Green'

October 6, 2011 Certified Angus Beef Brand

Efficient cattlemen and women are a boon for the environment. “I am absolutely not anti-grass-fed beef. There is a place for every single kind of system: grass-fed, grain-fed, local, organic and so on,” said Jude Capper, Washington State University animal scientist at the Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) Annual Conference last week. “What I am ‘anti’ is mis-marketing and the perceptions that are passed on to the consumer about what is and isn’t environmentally friendly.”

Floral Accounting "Pioneer" Paul Goodman, CPA, PFCI, Named SAF Paul Ecke Jr. Award Recipient

"A pioneer in floral accounting. Always ahead of the curve. A man of the highest integrity. A mentor. A friend and someone who is there when you need him. Those are just a few of the many positive words used to describe Paul Goodman," said Paul Ecke III of the Paul Ecke Ranch as he presented Goodman with the 2011 SAF Paul Ecke Jr. Award.