Land O'Lakes Leaders Endorse Draft Legislation Based On "Foundation For The Future"

September 5, 2011 Land O'Lakes, Inc.

The elected dairy leaders of Land O'Lakes, Inc., recently confirmed the cooperative's support of discussion draft legislation put forward by House Agriculture Committee's ranking democratic member, Collin Peterson (D-MN), and Congressman Mike Simpson (R-ID). The proposal is aimed at reforming U.S. dairy programs and is based on proposals developed by the dairy industry called Foundation for the Future.

Saputo Steps Into The Ring With Olympic Hopeful Martine Dugrenier

September 5, 2011 Saputo

Saputo Inc. announced its sponsorship of Martine Dugrenier, three-time world wrestling champion and Olympic hopeful. Saputo has been supporting Martine since 2005, through the Québec Foundation for Athletic Excellence. With the new sponsorship, she joins the Company's summer athletes Kathy Tremblay (triathlon), and Tara Whitten (cycling).

A Production Solution For Tortillas & Flatbreads

September 5, 2011 Caravan Ingredients

Caravan Ingredients has developed Southern Tortilla, a highly concentrated base that is produces very white, soft, pliable tortillas with extended shelf life.

Lucks Manufacturing Facilities Receive Another AIB Superior Rating

September 5, 2011 Lucks Food Decorating Company

The American Institute of Baking once again rated Lucks Food Decorating Company's two manufacturing facilities "Superior" in their food plant sanitation inspection for 2011. "Lucks edible products are known for being safe and trustworthy, because they’re made in facilities that operate at the highest level of quality and safety," said Megan Leifson, R&D and Quality Assurance Manager.

Smith Brothers Farms Now Delivering Products From Kent, WA's Alki Bakery

September 5, 2011 Alki Bakery

Starting September 1, 2011, Smith Brothers Farms will be offering a new product line to its home-delivery offering: wholegrain muffins, sweet breads and desserts from Alki Bakery. This award-winning, family-owned and operated bakery uses locally sourced, natural ingredients, such as Shepherd’s Grain.