Beef Checkoff Kicks Off American GrillMaster Experience BBQ Tour

In partnership with Sam’s Club and the Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS), the beef checkoff is kicking off a summer grilling BBQ tour. The American GrillMaster Experience, a beef BBQ demonstration and educational tour, will include beef grilling demonstrations, product samples, recipes and other checkoff resources designed to educate and inform consumers on grilling techniques. In total, 18 events will take place in the parking lots of Sam’s Clubs locations in 17 states from June through October.

FNGLA Committee Nominates New Officers

FNGLA's Nominating Committee has announced the selections for FNGLA's 2011-2012 officers.

Union Fleurs Holds Fruitful Spring Meeting In Copenhagen

Union Fleurs held its annual Spring Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 12 to 15 May 2011. Gathering 31 participants from 13 member countries, the 3-day event was hosted by Danske Prydplanter, the Danish member organisation of Union Fleurs. The program combined professional visits, meetings and social events, and gave a very informative insight into the Danish floricultural sector.

Seeley Conference Announces Lead Speaker: Mary Brett Whitfield

Mary will speak on "The Mind of the Consumer: Consumer Attitudes and Effect on Retail Trends and Buying Behavior." Following Mary's presentation Bob Williams, Smithers Oasis Co. will address how the floral industry can respond to changing trends and behaviors in terms of "Retail Florists, Internet Channels and Strategic Business Planning."

Sara Lee Opens Plant With Aim Of Offsetting Higher Meat Costs

Sara Lee Corp. (SLE) is looking to increase efficiency as it combats rising commodity costs for its sliced-meats business, company executives said Friday.