Costa Rica & Banacol Sign A Public & Private Alliance

June 21, 2011 Banacol

On May 24th, The Fundación Social Banacol-Corbanacol signed with the government of Costa Rica, through the IMAS-Mixed Institute for Social Assistance- the agreement “Zero extreme poverty” which promotes comprehensive development of families and employees of Banacol and of three more companies that participate in this Agreement, who live under social vulnerability conditions.

I Love Produce Announces First New Crop California Garlic In Market

June 21, 2011 I Love Produce

I Love Produce, headquartered in West Grove, PA, is the first Garlic Grower with New Crop California Garlic available from the 2011 crop. “We actually had new crop garlic available from California before Mexico had white garlic available in the market for the first time I can remember said Jim Provost, President of I Love Produce. “Traditionally the U.S. market has needed garlic from Mexico to bridge the gap to July when new crop California is typically available, but through some innovative seed techniques, we have shrunk that window”.

Stink Bugs Damage Crops On N.J. Farms

For farmers, it’s more than the smell. Pesky stink bugs are also fouling the cash flow from their crops, members of the state Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee were told Thursday.

Florida Citrus Department Approves $54.8 Million Budget

Orange juice advertising will take a $900,000 hit in the Florida Department of Citrus' 2011-12 budget as a result of Gov. Rick Scott's veto of a $2 million appropriation in next year's state budget.

Season's First Shipment Of South African Summer Citrus Arrives In U.S.

The first 2011 shipment of South African summer citrus ( ) arrived in Philadelphia aboard the Cape Belle today. South African Summer Citrus is increasingly finding favor among consumers every year due to its excellent nutritional quality and delicious taste. It marks the first of twelve shipments scheduled for arrival in the U.S. at approximately 10 day intervals until late October.