CWT Getting Closer To Achieving 75% Membership Goal For 2011

As a result of a membership drive that Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) initiated in early December to boost participation in the program during the next two years, membership forms have now been received from 22 of CWTs 2009-2010 members. These cooperatives put CWT participation at over 60% of the national milk supply, close to its goal of signing up at least 75% of the nations milk in order to fully fund a robust Export Assistance program.

My Word: Flavored Milk Good For Kids

Childhood obesity is one of our nation’s most pressing public-health concerns, and Florida is no exception. However, the solution is more complex than simply removing flavored milk from schools. Excessive weight gain in children is caused by an imbalance between calorie intake and calories spent on activities, not by any specific food or beverage.

Dairy Checkoff Unifies Industry To Drive 2010 Sales, Innovation

Americas dairy farmers, through their investment in the dairy checkoff, unified industry partners and led collaborative efforts that drove sales and innovation in 2010. Industry-wide collaboration and engagement reached new heights through the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, which was founded by dairy producers in 2008 to address barriers to growth and identify industry-wide solutions to grow long-term sales.

Cascade Baking Making Duck Bread In Time For BCS

Cascade Baking Co. is making Oregon Duck bread yellow and green dough swirled together in the baguette and French sandwich loaf.

Plymouth Bread Bakery Boasts Old World Techniques And Results

A remarkable Old World bread bakery opened on the South Shore a couple months ago, and I dont know which is more amazing the bread or the oven where its baked.