The Beef Checkoff Says Fall Back Into Breakfast

November 5, 2010 The Beef Checkoff

As you turn your clocks back to mark the end of Daylight Savings, take a few of those extra minutes to add a healthy, protein-packed breakfast to your morning routine. Research suggests that including protein like lean beef at breakfast promotes satiety, which can curb hunger when trying to maintain or lose weight. What’s more, a new study finds that balancing protein intake across three meals by increasing protein intake at breakfast and lunch protects muscle when losing weight.

Joster International Announces The Launch Of Fleur Daily Cupcake Vase

November 5, 2010 Joster International

Making floral foam obsolete, Fleur Daily cupcake styled vases change how florist and home gardeners create their works of art. Designed with placement holes these colorful cupcake vases are quick and easy to decorate every time making them ideal no mess centerpieces and posies. Cute, fun, squeezable and spill resistant they are changing the face of Cupcake themed gifts and parties.

Rabobank Issues Challenge To Dutch Flower Growers

Dutch growers must transform the Dutch flower auction into the Wall Street for flowers, according to Rabobank. Love for the business has given Dutch cut flower growers worldwide leadership, but has blinded them to new market dynamics, says Dick Oosthoek of Rabobank Nederland.

1-800-Flowers: Retail Is Detail

November 5, 2010 Staff Reporter, The Street

When 1-800-Flowers President and COO Chris McCann appeared on the season finale of Undercover Boss, his first job was to make a floral arrangement. Although his inner artist remained buried throughout the task, McCann learned an important lesson about the business from the woman who desperately tried to “train” him: They need to step it up a notch.

Anthurium Wins Accolades In National Competition

Tropic Lime, an anthurium developed by a team of researchers at the UH Mnoas College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR), has won a Red Ribbon in the Society of American Florists (SAF) 2010 Outstanding Varieties Competition. The anthurium was entered by Hilo-based Green Point Nurseries, one of the states largest cut flower producers.