Emerald Coast Growers Expands Perennial Propagation Space

November 17, 2010 Emerald Coast Growers

Emerald Coast Growers, of Pensacola, Florida, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, sees growth and potential for more in the perennial young plant market. The company is gearing up by adding three new greenhouse blocks at two of its Florida locations.

National Pork Board To Focus On Committee Structure

November 17, 2010 The Pork Checkoff Program

The National Pork Board will be asked next week to streamline the organizations producer-led committee structure. The board meets Tuesday through Thursday in Des Moines.

USDA Publishes Final Rule Granting Permission To Use Air Inflation Of Meat Carcasses & Parts

November 17, 2010 American Meat Institute

USDAs Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) today published a final rule that permits plants to inflate livestock carcasses and parts with air to facilitate fabrication if the plant develops a written procedure to ensure that the use of air does not cause insanitary conditions.

New Trend In Thanksgiving Turkeys

November 17, 2010 Staff Reporter, WTEN Albany

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, many people are stopping by their local supermarket to buy turkeys. In the wake of the recent food recalls, some people are putting a little more thought into where their food comes from. Retailers have reported an increase in the sales for free range and organic birds.

No Link Between Red And Processed Meats And Prostate Cancer: Study

November 17, 2010 American Meat Institute

There is no independent positive association between consumption of red or processed meats and the development of prostate cancer, according to a new meta-analysis of large scale prospective studies on red and processed meats and cancer published in Nutrition Journal.