Poultry Industry Blasts Proposed GIPSA Rule, Urges Agency To Withdraw It

November 23, 2010 National Chicken Council

A massive regulation proposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the production and marketing of poultry and livestock is unconstitutional, unsupported by any meaningful economic analysis, and is in defiance of court rulings and Congressional mandates, the poultry industry said in comments filed with the agency today. The proposed regulation should be withdrawn and rewritten, the industry said.

Tahitian Noni Fruit Found To Increase Meat Shelf Life

Morinda Agricultural Products, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Morinda Holdings, Inc., and a sister company to Tahitian Noni International) announced that they have applied for a joint patent with the University of Arkansas Department of Animal Sciences to use noni puree as a food ingredient. The patent application stems from a recent study conducted at the University of Arkansas showing that noni puree added to ground beef decreases rapid brown discoloration, thereby extending the shelf-life of the meat.

Tyson To Add 250 Jobs At Hope, AR Poultry Plant

Tyson Foods announced Friday that it will add 250 jobs to its poultry plant at Hope.

More Concern After Shrimp Boat Hauls In Oil With Its Catch

November 23, 2010 Debbie Williams, WKRG-TV

Gulf shrimp boat hauls in oil with its catch.

Oysters Hit Louisiana Thanksgiving Tables Despite Spill

November 23, 2010 Kevin McGill, Associated Press

Oysters hit Louisiana Thanksgiving tables despite spill.