Clean Gulf Shrimp Return To The Menu

Oil-free and sustainably grown shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico return to the table.

Shellfish Harvesting Closed In Parts Of Washington State

All shorelines in King County and some beaches in Pierce and Thurston counties have been closed to recreational shellfish harvesting because of paralytic shellfish poison.

Enviro Groups Question Oyster Safety Off Louisiana

September 3, 2010 Cain Burdeau, Businessweek

Batches of oysters were sampled on Aug. 2 and 3 near the mouths of the Atchafalaya and Mississippi rivers and laboratory tests revealed the animals were tainted by oil.

Illegal Salmon Sales Cause Confusion In Canada

The Fisheries and Oceans Canada has confirmed the sales by local members of the Skowkale reserve.

South Sacramento Quarantined For Light Brown Apple Moth

Portions of Sacramento County have been added to areas of the state under quarantine for the light brown apple moth.