Grains Make Gains: Wheat Surpasses White In Sliced Bread Sales

Whole grains are the hottest trend in sliced bread, with whole wheat edging out soft white bread in total sales for the first time.

Innovative Cookie Could Replace Fish And Capsules

August 2, 2010 Ambo Foods

Ambo Foods, LLC recognized for creating a cookie that contains as much omega-3 fish oil as a salmon dinner.

In Baking Careers, Women Make More Than Men

It’s a common complaint: men make more than women in the workforce. But while that’s true overall (a recent study showed that full-time working women made 80% of the salary full-time working men made in 2009), it isn’t true for every career.

J. Carlos Gonzalez Wins ‘Ruggles Scoop Scoop Video Contest’

J. Carlos Gonzalez of Elyria, Ohio has been named the grand prize winner of the “Ruggles Scoop Scoop Video Contest.” His video, entitled “Ruggles Land” was selected as the top choice among 82 entries in the contest featuring Ruggles Premium Ice Cream and its popular radio commercial.

Dairy Market Update: Milk Supply And Demand Up In 2010

For the fourth consecutive month, total U.S. milk production experienced positive year-over-year growth, according to the June Milk Production report released by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Total U.S. milk production was 16.324 billion pounds during June 2010, a 2.4 percent increase over year-ago production levels.