RA Sushi Celebrate Sushi Day With Free Offer

June 18, 2010 RA Sushi Bar Restaurant

RA Sushi Bar Restaurant is celebrating International Sushi Day as means to encourage sushi consumption.

Gulf Fish Still Good, Despite Public Concern

Consumers have no reason to curtail seafood consumption because of the oil damage in the Gulf of Mexico, says seafood chefs and restaurant owners.

California Fish Farmer Catches Customers

Sloughhouse, CA-based Passmore Ranch sells its farmed live black bass, silver carp, catfish and white sturgeon at Northern California farmers markets.

PRODUCE BUSINESS Honors 40 Young Leaders

PRODUCE BUSINESS has published its Sixth Annual 40-Under-Forty issue, honoring 40 young leaders of the produce industry.

Shuman Produce To Utilize HarvestMark PTI Technology

Shuman Produce is launching HarvestMark PTI at the case level for a portion of the company’s year-round sweet onion program.