To Help The Little Guy, Government Proposes New Rules For Big Meatpackers

The Obama administration proposed new rules on Friday seeking to increase competition and rein in potentially unfair practices by large meatpackers and poultry processors. The move is aimed at helping small livestock and poultry farmers survive in an industry dominated by corporate giants.

More Locals Go For Local Meat

Cindy Southwick is among a growing population of people turning to farmers markets and local meat producers for various reasons. And despite differences in how they raise animals and the size of their operations, two area meat providers agree that getting meat from a local provider is generally better than tossing steaks that were packed thousands of miles away into your shopping cart.

Target Offers Meat And Poultry In Select Pfresh Stores

June 21, 2010 Target

Target listened to its guests, who requested more fresh food and produce at low prices. Now, an expanded selection of the freshest grocery offerings is available at select general merchandise Target PFresh stores nationwide.

Chester County A Hotbed Of Cheese Artisans

Pennsylvania artisan cheesemakers debut website in time for National Dairy Month.

Michael Pollan’s New Book Advises Us To Eat More Real Food

Pollan will speak at the American Cheese Society conference in Seattle in August.