Corn Products To Buy National Starch For $1.3 Billion

Corn Products International, a big producer of corn-based sweeteners, said on Monday that it has agreed to buy the National Starch division of AkzoNobel for about $1.3 billion in cash.

Retail Bakers of America Certification Program

June 21, 2010 Retail Bakers of America

An RBA certification raises professional standards and verifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities professional bakers bring to the marketplace. Certification also increases job opportunities and income for certified bakers and decorators.

ABA Pleased With 2010 Dietary Guidelines Report Emphasizing Enriched & Whole Grains In A Healthy Diet

ABA is pleased with the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report language addressing both enriched and whole grains as part of a healthy lifestyle, stated ABA President and CEO Robb MacKie. However, the discussion surrounding so-called refined grains will lead to further consumer confusion.

Rich Products Corporation Announces Voluntary Recall Of Allen Bavarian Creme Filling

Rich Products Corporation on June 18, 2010 voluntarily recalled its Allen Bavarian Crme Filling (product code 02881) with Production codes 11870137F21, F-22, F-23, F-24, F-25, because the product may contain undeclared pecans, milk, and coconut.

Vitamin B6, Found In Meat, Linked To Lower Lung Cancer Risk

June 21, 2010 American Meat Institute

Vitamin B6, found in meat and poultry in plentiful amounts, is being linked to a lower risk of developing lung cancer, according to a new study appearing this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association.