EW Brandt & Sons Launches New Clamshell

EW Brandt & Sons has launched a new clamshell set to be the next generation of Donut Peach and Donut Nectarine packaging

Seald Sweet Hires Selina Reeve

Seald Sweet hires Selina Reeve to its sales team.

New Strawberry Labeling Law Enacted In Louisiana

June 21, 2010 Associated Press

Louisiana passes a new law on strawberry labeling.

Walter P. Rawl & Sons Hires Sarah Farra

June 21, 2010 Walter P. Rawl & Sons

Walter P. Rawl & Sons hires Sarah Farra.

Health Officials Push For Restaurant-Inspection Transparency

June 21, 2010 Greg Latshaw, USA Today

A growing number of health departments throughout the country are pushing for more transparency for consumers via measures such as posting health-inspection scores in restaurants or online.