Oil Spill Stirs Study, Debate Over Health Impacts

Public health officials and scientists will discuss the health impacts of the BP oil spill during a 2-day meeting beginning Tuesday in New Orleans.

River Fish Kill Deters Seafood Patrons

June 21, 2010 News4Jax.com

Seafood and fishing industries are suffering from negative perception from the recent fish kill in the St. Johns River in northeast Florida.

Louisiana Chefs Thank Fishermen With Food

More than 20 Louisiana chefs prepared a seafood meal for commercial fishermen at Chefs for Fishermen and Families Rally.

Price Impact Is Limited To Gulf Seafood

Prices on seafood caught in the Gulf of Mexico have risen dramatically since the BP spill, but the rest of the industry isn’t feeling the impact.

Cranberry Dry Bean Cultivar Now Available For Production

June 21, 2010 Ann Perry, USDA

Crimson, a new cranberry dry bean cultivar, is now available for production in the form of foundation seed.