Hussmann Showcases Innovative Solutions Designed To Answer Customer Needs

June 22, 2010 Hussmann Corporation

The average grocery store spends two thirds of its electricity bill on heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration. To meet customer demand for innovative systems that optimize operational and energy efficiency, Hussmann Corporation has launched 12 new solutions over the past 24 months, including the XtraLife Meat Case

Brooklawn, NJ Shoprite Recalls Store-Made Ground Beef

The ShopRite of Brooklawn, located at Route 130 and Browning Road in Brooklawn, New Jersey has initiated a voluntary recall today of its store-made ground beef products produced in the store on Saturday, June 19, 2010. There is a possibility that the product may contain small pieces of the absorbent tray lining.

OASIS Floral Products Welcomes Three New Design Directors To N. American Team

OASIS Floral Products announces three new design directors to its floral team: Frank Feysa AIFD; Loann Burke AIFD, PFCI and Neville MacKay. Joining the six-member design team, the design directors will be an integral part of the OASIS Floral team and involved with design innovations, breaking new floral trends and sharing their knowledge and experience with florists around the world.

CA Grown – Continues To Grow Sales

If there was any doubt that a little sticker could help drive sales for California flowers, it was put to rest at the Commission’s mid-year meetings. Growers shared candidly during both the sustainability discussion and the Promotion Committee meeting their successful experience with the campaign. They also shared and discussed how the implementation and leveraging of the “CA Grown” program has helped their customers drive sales at the store level.

European Perennial Exports To U.S. Remain Strong

Regardless of their position in the supply chain, however, both growers and exporters predict that the export of perennials to the US from The Netherlands will remain strong in 2010. They maintain this optimism despite the strong euro and stiff competition from cuttings produced in Costa Rica and tissue culture production from China and India.