Monsanto Wins Appeal Regarding Sale Of Biotech Alfalfa

The Supreme Court ruled that a U.S. District Court in San Francisco “abused its discretion” in banning the sale of Monsanto’s pesticide-resistant alfalfa seeds.

Monterey Peninsula Donates $20,500 Grant To Ag Against Hunger

Ag Against Hunger has received a $20,500 grant from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation.

Fresh & Easy Chain To Buy Two Major Suppliers

Fresh & Easy will take over operations of suppliers 2 Sisters Food Group and Wild Rocket Foods.

Whole Foods Establishes First Farm-To-Store Garden

A Whole Foods in Short Pump, VA, is planting a community garden that will supply produce to its local store.

Florida Retailers Prepare For Storm Season With Generators

June 23, 2010 Carl Orth, Suncoast News

Florida supermarkets are investing in generators in case a hurricane knocks out their power.